Abhishek Kumar
3 min readMar 27, 2018

Evolution of Camera

Tweak your lips for a pout, give a wink, adjust your hair a little and boom! you got a perfect selfie. Today, we are living in an era where selfies are on a rage. However, today let’s shift the focus from your pout to the instrument that made it possible in the first place. You! might have guessed it ! We are talking about the cameras. Ohh c’mon! Don’t roll your eyes! You might not know but a camera has a lot of hidden mysteries about it. Okay! That’s an exaggeration but yes there are things about it that are interesting enough to get your attention.

Camera as a technology stands at a point where it has witnessed a series of evolutions but at the same time it is still evolving, it is still embracing new technologies.

So, before giving you an insight about future lets reverse our gears backwards. By backwards, I mean really back to 1500’s.

Here’s the series of evolution of cameras-


The first pinhole camera also called the Camera Obscura was invented by Ibn

Al-Haytham. It used a pinhole to project an inverse image when light passed through the aperture.


The daguerreotype camera was invented by Louis-Jacques-Mande Daduerre. It was the first publicly announced photographic process and the first to come onto widespread use.


The Kodak Brownie camera was invented by George Eastman. It popularized low-cost photography and introduced the concept of the snapshot.


The Raisecamera was the first light-weight portable camera. Inventor unknown


The polaroid camera (model 95) was invented by Edwin Land and was the first camera to produce instant photos.


The Kodak DCS SLR camera was the first professional digital camera for sale in the U.S. for $13,000.


The Sharp J-SH04 was the first camera phone invented by the Sharp Corporation

Afterwards, many companies like Sprint, Nokia, Samsung etc. continued to augment the innovation in camera phones.

Fast forward to 2018! Its MediaTek’s Imagiq ISP that’s enabling tremendous innovation in camera phones and is taking us to a new era of photography. As dual cameras are becoming standard on high-end smartphones, MediaTek’s Imagiq ISP offers features enhancing the dual photography. Some of them are listed below-

  • Real-Time Large Aperture Depth-of-Field Effect

With the built-in 3D sensor, the ISP can capture depth mapping in real-time, and with a large aperture of greater than f/0.8, it can produce large aperture depth-of-field effects in real-time even for previews.

-Reality Depth of Field (DOF) — Users can map objects and backgrounds to multiple layers with a DOF feature. The smartphone can smartly position the object and background and apply creative effects to each layer in real time to produce photos or videos with DOF effects.

-Bayer and Mono Cameras — This multiple-sensor design can capture three times the light of a traditional single-bayer sensor, thus reducing image noise and increasing quality.

-Dual Camera Zoom — The ISP is equipped with a wide-angle lens and a telescope in its dual camera system. Imagiq combines these wide-angle and zoomed captured images into one image.

In addition, it also offers other enhancements like Instant Auto Exposure, Multi-frame Super Resolution, Multi-frame Noise Reduction etc.

So, our journey of evolution ends here. I already feel excited what would be the next big ball MediaTek will throw in the arena of technology. Till then keep pouting and clicking ;)

Abhishek Kumar
Abhishek Kumar

Written by Abhishek Kumar

A Passionate Writer with love for Technology. I love discovering new gadgets and writing about smartphones. However, do not let technology take away your sleep.

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